Results for 04/23/2016
Ventura Raceway continued its 2016 car racing season with a great night of exciting short track racing. Competition was very close and hard fought from top to bottom in each class from the opening heat races to the final man events.

Results for 04/02/2016
Ventura Raceway continued its 2016 car racing season to a good crowd of fans and a strong field of cars. After opening night's event we had a week off for Easter but the racers were ready to go Saturday night and the night proved to be exciting and eventful. Competition was very close and hard fought from top to bottom in each class from the opening heat races to the final man events.

Results for 03/19/2016
Ventura Raceway opened its car racing season to a good crowd of fans and a strong field of cars. After four months off, and last weeks rainout, the racers were ready to go and the night proved to be exciting and eventful. Competition was very close and hard fought from top to bottom in each class from the opening heat races to the final main events.